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Brindle ’19 – Fuelling The Fire

Happy New Year Cuckoo’s!

When do you stop saying that in the new year? I say around the 12th January feels about right, but seeing as I haven’t done one of these since December I’m saying it to you now!

It’s a wee bit chilly at the distillery this week, luckily Rob has been hard at work insulating the roof and keeping our biomass stocked up warming our cockles!

Anyhow, I thought it was about time I told you what we’ve been up to since Christmas and what our plans are for the upcoming year. We go into 2019 as our second full year of trade and we want this year to be a real big one for us! We’ve already been planning events, with a return to Junipalooza, a gin festival ran buy the guys at the Gin Foundry in London, as well as a good few new ones on our agenda this year. One of these new ones will be the Pub19 event at the London Olympia in February. This is our opportunity to talk to some big pub groups about getting Cuckoo stocked in their venues.

Our next proper event will be the Clitheroe Gin Festival at the Clitheroe Cricket Club. This is on the first weekend in February so if you’re in the area make sure you come down and see us!

Other events this year include a Gin to my Tonic show in Glasgow. This will be our first visit to Scotland! I will be spending the week up there meeting various people to try and drive some interest in Cuckoo north of the border, we are really excited about this one and we know it’ll be a great show for us!

Another focus this year is our tours and workshops. These have proven to be very popular, especially in the latter stages of last year and the beginning of the new year. We are selling out fast for the next few months, be sure to visit the Experiences page on the website to book your visit soon!


Now don’t get too excited just yet but we have been working on a new product, which if you have been to any of my masterclasses or tours / workshops you will know what it is! Keep an eye out for some news later on this year!

As you may have seen, the Nest has been up and running now for about 4 sessions and we couldn’t be happier with how great the support has been since we re-opened. A big thank you from everyone at the distillery for your continued support! We are looking forward to plenty more Nest openings this year.

Last but not least, if you aren’t already follow us on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. Here you can see day to day activity in the distillery as well as seeing where myself and Mark are on our travels! There will be a much higher focus on social media this year from myself, I will be documenting everything I get up to while I’m on the road.

All the best for the coming year and look forward to our next blog which will likely be from the big smoke!

Take care,

Tom x